This show is really something to celebrate for several reasons, some of which are... 1) Plain and simple, It's an opportunity to show my work 2) It was the first show I applied for here in Montreal and got it. So affirming 3) I get to do it with my good friend and colleague Emily McIntyre.
If you've already seen the Shag Dress and the Sky Tapestry you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. My installation in this show also includes two new pieces, one of which is 14X12 feet. I'm super excited! So, if you are in Montreal please join Emily McIntyre and I at our vernissage next Tuesday, November 2nd from 7pm-9pm. Hung Up is a fibre based show, something the VAV Gallery rarely sees, so don't miss it! If you're not in Montreal I'll be posting pics as usual. VAV Gallery 1395 Rene Levesque W Montreal My Hung Up artist statement: As a fibre-based artist I am constantly drawn to the history behind my materials and work with both the ambiguity and profundity that these histories offer. The medium itself is often the guiding force as I approach ideas of how human authenticity is realized through one's surroundings and interpersonal relationships. My contribution to Hung Up stems from a desire to define my own inspiration in contrast to having one supplied by the media. I have repeated a single image across mediums to demonstrate the obsessive behaviour that inspiration can bring. My hope is to find a deeper and more meaningful way of experiencing my surroundings, with the consequence of altering the manner in which I engage with it and the people within it.
This week I launched the Fibres Student Association Yarn Club. There are a ton of things that we'd like do all of which require money, namely a student exchange, creating a catalog for our grad show, taking field trips to museums and the list goes on. The Yarn Club is a fun way for people to support us in doing these things, AND subscribers get amazing yarn out of the deal. Please spread the word, tell your family and friends, anyone you know that knits, crochets or weaves or just likes lovely yarn. It's open to anyone (in the world really) since the yarn is received in the mail. Thanks for your support.
I just posted on the Vancouver Yarn blog with some tid-bits about Montreal and the Fibres program. Go see it. My first published design! Knit & Wrap arrived in the mail and I'm happy to say that I'm proud to be among the other designers featured. It really is a great pattern book! The first thing I noticed, yes even before finding my own design, was that the other designs were things I'd love to knit myself. Below are a few of my favourites, the first two really remind me of something my friend Ana would wear or design.
About me:
I'm a west coast Canadian gal who after completing a BFA in Fibres at Concordia University in Montreal moved to the New York metropolitan area where I am pursuing my art practice while learning the ropes of motherhood.
June 2021