All of the ladies finished their first slipper today. We all applauded every time someone finished. The slippers are so great, I love the uniqueness of each one. It has inspired me to spin up my own yarn and knit some slippers myself. READ MORE
The ladies are on week two of knitting (that's only two weeks of knitting ever!) and they are already taking on slippers with a shaped heel. This is amazing! One of the ladies requested it last week and before I knew it everyone was agreeing - slippers it is! I was happy to comply. READ MORE
Today was day three of beginner hand knitting and most of the ladies have already done stockinette, moss stitch and basket weave. I've been adapting my lesson plan based on the fact that they are such fast learners, and knitters. Many of them are already able to catch mistakes and fix them without my help. Amazing!
READ MORE So I arrived in Ulukhaktok today and man is it ever beautiful. I went for my first walk and took some photos of the the local sled dogs. They are adorable. And then there's me...being me. After I did this I realized that I should have done a series of me doing a 'happy' dance, but this works- haha. I also discovered that I'm going to need to triple my long johns since I couldn't stay out longer than 15min;
READ MORE So, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my NWT adventure!!!! Danny and I have already accepted the fact that neither of us will be getting much sleep tonight - too much excitement (and sadly he is not coming). READ MORE
About me:
I'm a west coast Canadian gal who after completing a BFA in Fibres at Concordia University in Montreal moved to the New York metropolitan area where I am pursuing my art practice while learning the ropes of motherhood.
June 2021