Last night was a total success! TRACES got filled up. The location I was in helped a lot as it was right at the entrance of the 3rd floor. With my simple written directions (thanks Jenna Dawn for the french translation) people were happy to participate. I even took some panels down later in the evening to replace with clean paper for more space. Tomorrow I go back down to the space to pick up the materials so I can make something sculptural for the organizers Harvey and Judith to have as a keepsake. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, maybe baskets to match the ones in the installation...
Here are some not-so-successful photos of the installation in process...(a bit fuzzy)
I installed TRACES yesterday at Corridor Culturel, a Nuit Blanche venue where there will be a lot of fun things this Saturday night (including my installation): stop-motion video performances, a symphony orchestra, live music, many art installations and much more that I'm not even aware of. What I do know is that Danny is playing a one hour set at 1am in the loft, and my Fibres Structures class is coordinating an experiential weaving installation in the outside barn and on the second floor of the main building. TRACES is participatory as well; come leave some traces of your own. You can find me on the third floor where I'm inviting passers by to leave traces on the paper-covered walls by doing pencil rubbings of objects that they have on hand; coins, rings, key chains, anything textured really. Judith Bauer, one of the organizers told me that last year they didn't have much documentation of the night, so I'll be using the marked paper to create a woven structure for them to keep as a means of remembrance. For their schedule visit the website here: About once a month my friend Corrie holds a day at her house where people get together and craft with media that range from knitting, embroidery and sewing to electronics. There are always culinary artistic ventures occurring at Corries too; today for brunch we ate crepes (with a plethora of toppings including homemade nutella) and for dinner homemade pate with baguette as well as dumplings. It was a yummy day. One of the lovely ladies who came today took this picture as she left. It's of me knotting a large fabric rosary and Annalie embroidering the front of her wedding invitations.
photo: Nadia Lambardo Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow
performance, production, presentation, repeated utterance, reiteration, reproduction, copy, replica, redundancy, iteration, practice, relation,renewal, litany, repeat, emphasis, monotony, preparation, convention, usefulness, assignment, background, discipline, catalogue, petition,refrain, prayer Galerie Diagonale, 5455, rue de Gaspé, espace 203, Montréal, March 12 - 26, 2011 (vernissage March 12th 2p.m. to 5 p.m.) ::DIAGONALE:: Tonight I was playing blocks, or tubes rather, with some discarded vintage photo envelopes that I found on the side of the road a while ago. I wanted to see how much I could do with this material without adding anything to it. The envelopes had a mild adhesive on the lip, but not enough to keep some of the tubes together for long. At first it was really lovely watching them slowly ease into pretty piles, but after re-building it about 4 times I realized that I was having a power struggle with them when the whole idea was to discover what they could do. In the end they decided they wanted to be only partially built. I like them that way too.
About me:
I'm a west coast Canadian gal who after completing a BFA in Fibres at Concordia University in Montreal moved to the New York metropolitan area where I am pursuing my art practice while learning the ropes of motherhood.
June 2021